Journal Entry 1.

     Sitting on a little blue chair staring out across a desk heaped with books, magazines, lighters, comics, chocolate, sheet music, recipes, and dog treats, it occurs to me that the restless feeling that's been gnawing at my gut is taking a form. Being content is not something that is familiar- rather, a strong desire to press ever onward, learning more and becoming more, is part of who this one is. Of course, ineptitude, mistakes, general bashing of the head-to-wall variety, and an opposing nature to run away are also part of the picture, but I chalk it up to being a runner of the human's race and at least occasionally try to combat those defects.

     There's a simplified explanation for the reason that I write this: If every life is a journey, and we are to be carried eventually to some sort of end, one could at least pay attention to the scenery as they are tossed to and fro. Many of us occasionally get pissed off at the driver and ask to be taken a different route. When the route doesn't change, these people merely shrug their shoulders with a dismissive "that's life" and continue to watch the scenery roll by. The people who drive their own vehicles are more like first-time drivers with their feet glued to the gas pedal which is glued to the floor. At some point, most see something out there. Dashing between the trees, or tucked between blurred buildings, it catches one's spirit entirely. Some of us then jump off of the vehicle entirely, look around, and proceed to search for the whatever-it-was that wasn't just a piece of stagnant scenery. And while those people are searching, they realize that the trees and buildings aren't a simple blur of color. Unique shapes begin to form, noise becomes discernible sound, and an awareness of existence returns. So then do we give up and stay right where we've noticed that we exist, overwhelmed with the sudden ability to feel the world around us and too frightened to move? Do we call the driver back, scramble into our seats with a flurry of dirty shoes and clicking seat belts, and allow the motion of the vehicle to lull us back into pacification with the blurry distortion outside of the window? Or do we take the good with the bad, and begin a true hunt for the thing which triggered our awareness?

     Why live life when you can experience the hunt?

~This One